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What is Write for you?
Hi, I'm Claire, and I'm obsessed with words.
If you work with me I'll help you tell your story to your chosen audience, making it really easy for you in the process.
I love getting to the core message of people, products and services quickly, setting it out in a way that's crisp, clear, concise and inspires action.
Using words to connect with your audience is vital, but it can be time-consuming and stressful if writing doesn't come naturally. What sets me apart from other freelance writers is my passion for small personal projects such as speeches and correspondence as well as corporate commissions.
As a published writer with 25+ years of corporate experience AND proven success as a writer and influencer in my own right, you can trust me to do the heavy lifting!
Blog: 5 wedding speech survival tips
A public speaking opportunity is a great honour, but it’s also a huge responsibility. If the prospect of writing and delivering a great speech overwhelms you, these tips are for you!
June 28, 2023 · speechwriter,ghostwriter,copywriter,wedding speech,wedding supplierRead more...1. Just start: This is the most important element. Get a pad and a pen or start tapping away on...
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